
Friday, March 28, 2014

Matariki Returns

Matariki Returns by Moira Wairama and Rupert Alchin.
Connected 3, 2003
WALT - Locate and use information in the text to extend ideas about our general solar system and the effects this has on our word - to even our cultures and celebrations.
Success Criteria -
I can locate and use information in the text to extend ideas about our general solar system and the effects this has on our word - to even our cultures and celebrations.
I know the purpose of Matariki and can relate it to other special holidays.
Answer the following questions in red:
What is Matariki in a physical sense?
Matariki is about the seven stars and a happy Maori new years to have a party of Matariki being happy for the Maori.

What is the special sight you may witness towards the end of May?
Um the special sight at the end of May is you can planting lots of think it because spring is coming.

What are people looking out for to know that the new year is beginning?
The Maori people are looking for the seven star when the seven star show they know it is the new years for the Maori.

Tell me three things you know about Matariki?
Matariki is a new years for maori and it when the seven star show in the sky and it the only day that the seven stars show.

What are the tales about the stars and the representation of them for the year to come?
The seven stars only show once in a years and it is the Maori new years,  the Maori only know the new years when the seven star show up.

Maori used to ‘preserve birds Hindu’. What does the word ‘preserved’ mean?
I think it mean for the Maori people that it is a hunting season to catch some fish hunting for bird and rats.

Can you give me an example of how people often preserve various items to date?
Um every years people keep on knowing more about the Matariki more and more about it it really cool to see the seven star.  

Matariki is the time for what? (refer to the text)
Matariki is the time for the new years for the Maori every Maori new years the Matariki returns the seven star returns.

Tell me about a Matariki legend?
Matariki is about the new years for the Maori and it a good time to plants thing to eat. The Matariki is the best day for the Maori people because that the only day when the big star returns.

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