
Thursday, July 14, 2011

At Motat

AT MO TAT by Htarawa Monong

Yesterday I went to look at Mo tat. I saw an olden day police car.Then we went to the tactile dome and I was scared because it was dark and I couldn’t see.
I said, “I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die. Help me!”
Then I told my teacher that I was scared.
We went to mirror maze and I ran and I hit my head and
I said, “ Help me”.Then we went to the man that was lying
on the chair with a blanket and I was scared. After that we went to train and looked at it.


  1. i hta Wa ra
    I really like your Motat movie you are right the tactile dome is really scary. I felt sceard that it was really scary I remember when you were screming.

  2. Hi Htawara
    I really enjoyed MOTAT too.Did you go in te mirror maze,well if you didn't you missed out on alot of fun.I really liked the Arcade room th best.
    Keep up the good WORK!!!!!!!


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